About Me

I’ve built, bought & sold several online businesses over nearly 20 years. Most involve affiliate marketing, premium domain names and/or remote teams.

Once upon a time, Quality Nonsense had a portfolio of “websites for people who make websites”, like Digital.com (RIP), WhoIsHostingThis (back from the dead), HTML.com, Blogging.com (RIP), WebsiteBuilders.com, Placeholder.com (RIP)& PrivacyPolicies.com. Nowdays, it operates as a digital agency for my other businesses.

I co-founded Wish.co.uk (with Stephen Pavlovich of Conversion.com), which received press coverage in 50+ countries & six continents for experience days like Zombie Shopping Mall.

Private Equity & Startup Investments

I invest in private equity deals and businesses with existing cash-flow. More here.

Premium Domain Names

I buy a small number of valuable one word .COM domain names. If you’re selling something of a similar calibre to my previous projects (think Digital.com), contact me here.

Everything Else

The best way to contact me is here.